This BLOG was established as a site to express feelings of the heart and mind surrounding the June 19, 2005 hit and run death of 15 year old Kayla Peter. The registered owner of the Lexus that killed Kayla is Susanna Goihman owner/chef of Azafran Restaurant located at 617 S. Third Street.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Please Help Dayna & Damon
On April 24, 2005, 23 year old, and 6 months pregant, Dayna Sperring and her unborn son Damon were killed by a vehicle on Rt 422. Dayna's Aunt, Randi, and her family, were among the 200 who stood at Queen & Henry for the 28 days of "HONK FOR KAYLA." They helped Kayla let's return the favor...double click the BLOG title above "Please Help Dayna & Damon" and you will be taken directly to the BLOG.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
When is enough...enough?
As a 5th generation "Yunker" I have a passionate love for Manayunk (which by the way is a Lenipi Indian word meaning "Where we gather to drink" or "watering hole"). The Lenipi Indians didn't get into vehicles, after having too much to drink at "the watering hole"...ending their nights in death.
NeuvoManayunk has no resemblance to the Manayunk I grew up in and love. These days my memories of Manayunk are far better than the reality of Main Street. I owned a business in the 80's at Main St. and Levering where I designed many of the business images for the Renaissance of Manayunk. At the first Manayunk Arts Festival I won "Best of Show" for my Main Street, Manayunk watercolor.
In 1981 I painted the mural on the wall at the Green Lane Bridge that proclaims to people "Our way of living together in Manayunk is a strong but delicate fabric. Let us not tear it asunder. For no one knows, once it is destroyed, if its protective warmth will ever be found again".
The deaths of Kayla Peter and Jena McClelland are the end result of NeuvoManayunk, Philadelphia's chick Main Street! Do the bartenders of NeuvoManayunk ever say to party patrons "enough is enough". Do they ever refuse to serve. Is there a point at which, legally, they are obligated to not serve? The words of the painted mural have faded, perhaps our moral obligation has as well.
Susanna Goihman, according to her lawyer, Brian McGonigle "Would not knowingly hit a child..." No kidding Brian, after reportedly consuming five martinis on an empty stomach, and who knows how many at dinner, with her restaurant owner friend, it’s surpassing Susanna Goihman could find her car, let alone drive it!
The employees, owners and staff of the bars and restaurants Susanna Goihman patronized on June 19th need to do the right thing. Jena McClelland, dead on Christmas Eve 2001, in an auto accident, after being served and consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. Where was she served? Main Street, Manayunk. Kayla Peter, killed on Father's Day 2005, by a driver who was served and consumed a substantial amount of alcohol. Where? Main Street, Manayunk. "The Drinking Hole."
The delicate fabric has begun to tear with the deaths of Jena and Kayla.
The deaths of Kayla Peter and Jena McClelland are the end result of NeuvoManayunk, Philadelphia's chick Main Street! Do the bartenders of NeuvoManayunk ever say to party patrons "enough is enough". Do they ever refuse to serve. Is there a point at which, legally, they are obligated to not serve? The words of the painted mural have faded, perhaps our moral obligation has as well.
Susanna Goihman, according to her lawyer, Brian McGonigle "Would not knowingly hit a child..." No kidding Brian, after reportedly consuming five martinis on an empty stomach, and who knows how many at dinner, with her restaurant owner friend, it’s surpassing Susanna Goihman could find her car, let alone drive it!
The employees, owners and staff of the bars and restaurants Susanna Goihman patronized on June 19th need to do the right thing. Jena McClelland, dead on Christmas Eve 2001, in an auto accident, after being served and consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. Where was she served? Main Street, Manayunk. Kayla Peter, killed on Father's Day 2005, by a driver who was served and consumed a substantial amount of alcohol. Where? Main Street, Manayunk. "The Drinking Hole."
The delicate fabric has begun to tear with the deaths of Jena and Kayla.
You might find this of interest from way back in 1996. I wondered during the 28 days of "Honk For Kayla" why Mr. Nutter, though I sent him an e-mail inviting him to do so, never came to the corner of Queen & Henry. I can't wait to find out who the restaurant owner was who went to dinner that night with Susanna Goihman. I wonder if it was anyone mentioned in this article from the past? Hummmmm
Monday, August 22, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Channel 10 6 PM Breaking News..An arrest is being prepared against Susanna Goihman in the hit and run death of Kayla Peter!!!!!!!!!!
Susanna In Miami
In a telephone interview yesterday, Goihman, 42, said she was staying near her parents, who live near Miami, and did not know if she would attend the Aug. 31 settlement
Monday, August 15, 2005
Gracie Sez

12 August 2005
The staff of Azafran was informed last night that as of 28 August, the restaurant will permanently close its doors.
It is our understanding that the sale has been in negotiations for more than six months, but, regardless of the circumstances, it will be happening nontheless.
Just 3 days later (August 15) in The Philadelphia Inquirer it was reported that, "no one there (AZAFRAN staff) knew whether or when the restaurant was closing"

This Friday, August shall we make the day special? The "Remembering Kayla" DVD has been updated. If you would like to view it on the big screen at Queen & Henry please let me know. Bring candles too...Also if anyone has any other ideas let us know. Push "comments" button below and tell us your ideas. Also please post as "other" leave your name and e-mail.
Thanks, Donna
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Kayla took this picture of herself, useing a cell phone, just an hour and a half before she was killed.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Thursday, August 04, 2005
On August 3, 2005 a Grand Jury was empanneled to investigate the hit and run death of Kayla Peter.
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