This Friday, August 19...how shall we make the day special? The "Remembering Kayla" DVD has been updated. If you would like to view it on the big screen at Queen & Henry please let me know. Bring candles too...Also if anyone has any other ideas let us know. Push "comments" button below and tell us your ideas. Also please post as "other" leave your name and e-mail.
Thanks, Donna
Please be to check the city Tax
records to make sure that the
restruant that this woman owns is
really being sold as is claimed by
the restruant employees. Also
check out the new owners to make
sure they are NOT the relatives of
that woman. GOOD LUCK!!
sincerely Hollee Patterson
As a transplanted Philadelphian I have watched this saga play out since I first saw the restaurant reviewed in the Inquirer Food section.
Of course the heinousness of this type of death is not in the act, but rather in the failure to either render aid at the very least towards our fellow human. This woman who alledgedly hit and struck Kayla made an error in judgement that we all-- God help us, hope we never have to make someday. She had one chance to get it right...she blew it.
Justice belongs to the weak, silent, elderly and young as much as the powerful and wealthy. For this fact I support your efforts in forcing the attention that you have thus far. Your tactics are a bit suspect as we are all afforded certain rights under our form of justice, so I remain a bit dubious as to your assault on the woman's business and it's subsequent effects on the employees making minimum wage at best.
I do however echo another's comment, questioning the wisdom of turning this young woman's tragic death into a soapbox for abortion...that blog should be removed and the focus left to this tragic event. Why muddy water and possibly alienate future supporters...abortion whether you believe it to be so or not--is a personal belief, not to mention a lightening rod for dissent.
Kayla's death had nothing to do with the religious right or abortion---stay on message. I would much more favor a commentary of MADD (Mother's Against Drunk Driving), than I would something totally unrelated to this beautiful girl's death. Still I wholeheartedly support your efforts and wonder what the hell is wrong with Philadelphia that this woman isn't behind bars now?
I think the picture meant something to Kayla in a personal way.....please dont jump the gun with your accusations!!!!!!
PAYNTERinFLORIDA...your posting confuses me.
"I do however echo another's comment, questioning the wisdom of turning this young woman's tragic death into a soapbox for abortion...".
You've got to be kidding!! The "All Life Has Value" BLOG has nothing to do with abortion! I have had the opportunity throughout these days to converse with so many people who have lost loved ones...tragically...that Blog was intended as a place for them to share their stories. Kayla's death has received a great deal of media coverage, for many people the loss of their loved ones went unnoticed. I want these people to have a place to tell their stories.
Why does the date on the necklace sy 6-20-05
First, let me say that I understand why you're protesting and applaud you for keeping the pressure on. However, I just read an article where it was said that protesters have no empathy for the restaurant staff and believe that they can get a job in a second. That's pretty naive and callous.
The Philly restaurant market is virtually dead in the summer with everyone going to the shore. The cooks and waitstaff did absolutely nothing wrong. For all you know, one of them tipped off the police about the car being involved.
Keep the word out there, keep the pressure on, but do try to feel a little sympathy for these other minor victims who are trying to support their own families. Don't become heartless in your quest for justice.
RE: the date on the necklace: I beleive Kayla was hit very late on the evenng of June 19. My educated guess is that she was pronounced after midnight, and so the death certifiacte would be recorded with a date of June 20.
Donna I think it is a great idea to honor Kayla again. I will be there as will as many people as I can get there.
We are on for 7 PM Friday at the corner of Queen Lane and Henry. Bring candles, so the light that is Kayla, brightens the sky.
Did it ever brighten the sky! It was a beautiful tribute Donna. To coin a very wise woman's phrase:
YOU are the best of the best
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