Thursday, August 11, 2005


All life has value.


Anonymous said...

very nice pictures.

Mrs. P, is that your picture at the vigil?

Anonymous said...

Is the extreme religious right co-opting this site? It is disrespectful to Kayla Peter. What does a hit-and-run accident have to do with anti-abortion religious extremists? Are you going to get Terry Schiavo to come back and smile for her?

Donna Persico said...

To Anonymous. What the hell are you talking about??????? Please don't post here again if you are going to ramble...this section of the BLOG is intended for people to share life stories of people that have been killed tragically.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Donna, but I must respond to this and then will leave this spot for the purpose for which it was intended

Apparently the issue of abortion rights is a major one for you to have looked at that picture and assumed there was some political statement being made.

When I looked at it, I saw another life, just like the one that was lost on 6/19/05.

Please reserve your comments for blogs that debate that issue.

Anonymous said...

No. The heading says "This BLOG was established as a site to express feelings of the heart and mind surrounding the June 19, 2005 hit and run death of 15 year old Kayla Peter. The registered owner of the Lexus that killed Kayla is Susanna Goihman owner/chef of Azafran Restaurant located at 617 S. Third Street." It is not a sopbox for anti-abortion activists. If all life has value, what about sufferers of Alzheimers and Parkinson's? Is their life less valuable than some microscopic goo cells?

Donna Persico said...

Enough with the political radicalism! Hey Randi why don't you tell your story and how Kayls's death brought out a response in you and your family.

Anonymous said...

On April 24, 2005, my 23 year old, 6-month pregnant niece responded to an friends call for assistance. He was stranded on the side of a busy highway without gas. She and her husband took him gas. While she waited in the car, on the shoulder of the road, with her hazard lights flashing, someone hit the back of her car, killing her and her unborn son instantly. The person who hit her was travelling at an estimated 70 mph in a 55 mph speed zone, ON THE SHOULDER OF THE ROAD. He was also driving without car insurance.

You would expect that the police would have tested him immediately for drugs and/or alcohol, especially after having been told by an EMT that they smelled alcohol. And in fairness, toxicology tests were performed but not for some 3-4 hours after the driver was admitted to the hospital. The results are listed on the police report as "unknown".

We waited 6 weeks for a final police report and for criminal charges to be filed in what was clearly, not just to her family but to many without an emotional connection to her case, VEHICULAR HOMICIDE. We were asked repeatedly to remain patient as a "rush to judgement" on the part of officials could be detrimental to the case.

After 6 weeks of waiting as patiently as possible, we were given the news - NO CRIMINAL CHARGES WOULD BE FILED. The explanation of Criminal recklessness/negligence, as described by the officer who reviewed the report with my family , was as follows

"something so horrible that it would take your breath away"

Has this story taken anyone's "breath away" yet?

4 days ago we received a copy of the report in which the driver admits to having "ONE BEER" and claims that my niece and he were both driving in the right hand lane of the highway. I suppose if I were impaired I would also believe that the car I had hit was a moving vehicle in a marked lane; or at least I would be praying my head off that it was..........or I might be going to jail. And there are several other pieces of conflicting information in the report.

My family has had to spend thousands of dollars already in it's pursuit for REAL justice in her case. REAL JUSTICE -

I might also mention that we spent the entire night of April 24 and most of the following morning just trying to find out where my niece was and whether she was alive or dead; information known to many in law enforcement but refused us. They would only give the information to her husband of 4 days, who was also in the hospital, unable to receive such information.

I know what it's like to not know what has happened to a loved one. I also know what it feels like to know that someone else knows what happened but refused to reveal that information. The cases are different, I know. The people who wouldn't speak in our case stayed quiet because they say legally they COULDN'T divuldge the information to anyone but her husband. In the KAYLA PETER CASE, the person who holds that information has REFUSED to share it. She isn't bound by law to keep quiet.

When Mrs P. asked that I share this story I was somewhat reluctant. It has never been my intent to infuse my niece's case into this one.

Though different situations, there are similarities that brought out a response from me.

No one should ever bury a child and not know who was responsible.

Justice is defined in our constitution. Our laws are written as such that he who causes injury or death to another person is, and must be held, accountable for his or her actions.

Justice, unfortunately is not something that you just GET. Sadly, it's something you must sometimes fight for. There are all sorts of obtruction of justice. Sometimes even on the part of our sworn officials.

My family put all of our faith in our justice, or what we now refer to as our "injustice" system. We're finding out the hard way that it doesn't come easy.

No one is asking for Ms. Goihman's head on a platter as no one, EXCEPT MS. GOIHMAN and/or the driver knows who was in fact driving.

So, to those of you who have looked at the picture above this blogspot and saw an attempt to connect Abortion Rights to it, or in some other way have miscontrued the purpose of this website and/or it's contents, the intentions of those who have given of their time so that Kayla's mother may know who was responsible for her daughter's death, I assure you that there is no political statement here. Or if there is one, it's this...........

it is our hope that justice will be served in this case and that the person responsible for Kayla's death will be held accountable but we will not sit back and trust a system that has proven it CAN'T always be trusted.

This case will not be swept under the rug or placed on the back burner or neglected or dismissed.


Anonymous said...

You have made this whole day straight for me. I have been checking in on this site periodically througout the day. Half of the day I found myself enraged in the way people could actually twist and turn the efforts and desire for sheer truth, regardless of their position. All of this back and forth on this site has proven one thing today...that there are many people affected, many people hurt and confused, many people praying for an end and an answer, whether it be for or against what the other side desires. I can only PRAY that everyone who comes across this site, possessing either hostility or anticipation, that they cherish who they have, believe in who they are, and accept the mistakes, innocence, and uniqueness in each other as well as themselves. If it weren't for the drive and perserverance of the human race, we would be stuck in the mud. Thank you for sharing your story...thank you.

"Respect difference, embrace individuality, and believe in uncertaintity"

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your response. You write magnificently and have great insight. I too have checked in on this website throughout the day and sometimes wondered why. The personal attacks on people, from each side, have muddied the waters, so to speak.

I echo your hopes and your prayers. My own personal desire in all of this is to see that justice is done, REAL JUSTICE.

This is a horrible situation for everyone involved, as witnessed by the posts on this website. If it were a pleasant situation, it wouldn't get nearly this much attention or passion.

In the end, I pray for 2 things. I pray for proper resolution of this case and for peace in the hearts of everyone who has in nay way been affected by this horrible tragedy.

My faith tells me that both prayers will be answered.