Thursday, August 04, 2005


On August 3, 2005 a Grand Jury was empanneled to investigate the hit and run death of Kayla Peter.


Randi D. said...

Doing a great job Donna. Thanks for, once again, setting the stage for the rest of us to have a "place to go".

Donna Persico said...

There is a Grand Jury....

I hope Ms. Goihman's lawyer is better informed about the case than he is about current events!

Randi D. said...

This was my response to "Jeff's" recent post on the Blinq Blog Site

RE: Jeff, August 2 Post - Goihman Case who says:

"Moreover, according to the Inquirer, her license was not suspended at the time of the incident."

What the Inquirer failed to report was that she had been charged with 2 preivous DUI's and was to surrender her license on 6/19/05, the very day that Kayla Peter was killed.

But this isn't about whether or not she had a valid driver's license. It's not even about whether or not the driver was drunk or whether or not there was proper street lightening (however, at this particular transfer station, lighting is NOT An issue). This is about a woman who's car was proven to have been the "weapon of crime". It's about a woman who KNOWS who was driving her car at the time of the "accident" and refuses to divulge that information. She, or whoever was driving her car, left a young vibrant woman for dead in the street. Doesn't her family have the right to know who was responsible for their daughter's death?

The purpose of the vigil was to "move" this woman to do the right thing and to remind the authorities that there were plenty of people who were not going to let this case fall between the cracks.

There seems to be a very fine line between 5th ammendment rights and obstruction of justice. The line seems to be at the threshold of the front door of the office of Goihman's attorney. See, Ms. Goihman is a wealthy restaraunt owner with apparent political connections in this town.

Interestingly, the ex boyfriend of a missing mother to be in Philadelphia has been labeled a "person of interest" in the case, as was Susanna Goihmann in the Peter case. HE however, was not given the choice of whether or not to speak to the police. He was promptly taken into police headquarters and questioned. I guess he couldn't afford Goihman's lawyer.

And so, I am ALSO encouraging Philadelphia area to write about Kayla Peter on Aug. 19th in an ongoing effort to bring about justice for a local girl left to die in the street like an animal.

Anonymous said...

Could someone explain how long it may take the Grand Jury and why?

Donna Persico said...

It is my understanding that all phases of a Grand Jury Investigation are private and out of public access. How long will it take before the findings of the Grand Jury are announced? Your guess is as good as mine. The Daily News listed a source as projecting the beginning of September. Copy, paste in web address and go to read the complete article.

Anonymous said...

I live all the way out here in Arizona and my daughter has told me all about what happen and my deepest reguards go out to the family and friends of Kayla, I have been reading and keeping up with all that you have been doing via websites and blogs that I can find- Great support from truly great people that care- unlike the woman that did what she did to that helpless sweet beautiful young lady.... I can not even think of what her family goes through each and every day still to this day, but I am sure it is still not easy for them. I have always said that God has a reasons for all taken those we love and care for the most, for he must need them for a great task of his own.... but Kayla is surely in the best of hands now and safe and watching down upon you all, keeping you all as safe as she can.... doing little things to let you know she is still here in her own little way.... always believe and never forget..... she will live on forever in your hearts. I hope it all works out and that lady gets the right punishment for her crime.... for what she did was just wrong and heartless.......

Anonymous said...

I have been following your story in the papers. Your guys are great and it is a tribute to Kayla that she has so many people who care. The rich and powerful should not get away with killing some one just because they have the money to buy ??justice?? It is a shame that in this day and age that Joe
Average has to take to the streets to get our police and elected officials to do their jobs. If Joe Average had hit and run down someone or if their car was used to hit and run down some one they would have been hauled in long ago to tell their story.

This whole thing remeids me of that former state rep in Harrisburg who ran down that veteran in a snow storm years ago and then tried to worm his way out of it. That guy is doing time and that only happened because people kept the pressure on.

Anonymous said...

If it had been a Black person, they would not have been given an opportunity to decide to speak to the D. A. They would have been picked up!!!!! PERIOD! This is Philly, Mayor Street! What is going on here!