This BLOG was established as a site to express feelings of the heart and mind surrounding the June 19, 2005 hit and run death of 15 year old Kayla Peter. The registered owner of the Lexus that killed Kayla is Susanna Goihman owner/chef of Azafran Restaurant located at 617 S. Third Street.
Honk for Kayla was an empowering, relieving, energizing event for me. It helped me to grieve for Kayla as well as give me the oppurtunity to stand up for justice and what is right in honor of my dear sweet Kayla. It was 28 days well worth it!
I am so saddened for the family of this horrible crime. Clearly the cluprit, despite her right to remain silient, could do the decent thing and come forward for the sake of the family.
At the same time know the people who work in restaurants do not make a lot of money. They had nothing to do with this awful crime. Their children and families need their income and they are working hard to take care of their families. Should they lose their apartments because of what someone else did? Do you want their electric bill to go unpaid because of someone else's awful actions?
Please show these people empathy and do not destroy their ability to care for their families. This is not justice, it does not honor Kayla's memory, and I wonder if this is what she would want.
"I think Donna Persico is a little out of line." ??????????
Ms. gdslamb: Close your eyes and imagine (as I do; a parent of a 16 year old) opening your front door for the rest of your life and see the images of YOUR 15 year old daughter dead, wedged under a parked car. Imagine......
"but to say what Persico did in today's paper that she feels no empathy for the restaurant's employees is a shame."
Shame on the employees for remaining employed by such a heartless, scum of the earth animal like her.
"let the criminal justice system do its work and leave the thuggery at home, that is certainly not how Kayla would've have wanted it"
Thuggery????? I think YOU "are out of line"........
To Rob:
The only one that "destroyed their ability to care for their families" was their employer.
Azafran's employees are not the target and I think the word VIGILANTE is a bit dramatic, don't you?
And "thuggery"? Also more than a BIT dramatic. No one there has been threatened, harrassed or physically violated.
As for the employees' innocence in all of this, I agree. They are the innocent victims. Wait staff make a very small salary minus their tips. But I am also soon to lose my job. I am the victim of a CEO who ran a business into the ground. It's HIS fault that I am losing my job, not the out of state company that is buying it. I certainly don't blame the buyer. Businesses close all of the time. People leave their jobs for new ones all of the time.
I do have empathy for the employees there. It's terrible to have financial stress and wonder how you're going to care for your family and meet your financial obligations. But Donna Persico isn't putting these people out of work.
Excuse me anonymous.....but becoming a vigilante should not be tolerated in our society. To remember Kayla is one thing and we all feel the pain, though we can't begin to imagine exactly what her family feels. We do care. So, excuse yourself please, for making such terrible comments about seeing 'YOUR 15 year old daughter dead, wedged under a parked car. Imagine......' I think your disgraceful comments deserve an apology to everyone involved in this effort.
Forming a vilgilante group to force hardships on this business owner is one thing and may feel appropriate (though she is innocent until proven guilty and that is THE LAW) but that is for our prosecutors, judges, and jurys to you ARE NOT the law. The employees of this business owner are trying to pay their bills and make ends meet just like everyone else. How dare you take the decision into your hands to possibly ruin their lives. Who are you to do such a thing. Your anger is misplaced and for that, you and all of your vigilante cohorts should be ashamed and possibly jailed for harassment.
god forbid your son or daughter ever become involved in a crime, would you want an angry mob calling for their head? No, you would want their day in court. Don't be a hypocrite.
I see that my "disgraceful comment" upset you. I take it you closed your eyes and imagined ..... horrific isn't it?
You are right..the protestors are NOT the Law and do not claim to be, but as Goihman has rights, so do the protestors.
Obviously, you have not been to one of the protests at Azafran's, otherwise you would not be accusing the protestors of being "vigilantes" or "angry mobs" You are misinformed.
Hypocrite? Please, DON'T put my children in the same category as that monster. I accept your apology.
I looked up the definitions of vigilante and thug in the dictionary.
They are as follows:
vigilante (noun) : a member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate)
Perhaps your use of this word was right on and not dramatic. This is a group of people organized to to make sure that justice is served; because in this "criminal friendly" commonwealth of ours, as described just that way to me from a police official, justice is not something you can just EXPECT but often must PURSUE.
With reference to your use of thuggery, I present the following definition:
thug (noun) : a brutal ruffian or assassin : GANGSTER , KILLER
Sorry, I can't give you that one. That IS ENTIRELY dramatic. This "MOB" you speak of consists of about 5-6 people, quietly standing on the street, giving information to people and explaining the case only to people who ask for it.
I certainly don't want to make this a game of semantics with you. I respect your right to openly disagree with the efforts of this group.
I suppose you and I will just have to agree to disagree.
A Note to All Who Have COMPLETE Faith in our Justice System
May you never have to know what it is to have to fight for this thing called "justice", one of our so called birth rights.
Our history is full of examples of justice that came to those who FOUGHT for it; who FORCED the powers that be to revisit the constitution and make JUST decisions based on IT'S CONTENTS; not on the amount of money placed in their pockets from those who would escape the consequences for their UNJUST behavior. People who FOUGHT to make sure that JUSTICE was served, as defined by the laws of the land NOT based on a Prosecutor's decision on whether or not their reputation would be tarnished by losing a case that they KNEW had merit but were afraid to try it. People have to see that justice is done in cases that seemed so trial to law officials because in their minds they had "bigger fish to fry".
For all the naive, I hope you are never put in a position to have to FIGHT for your birth right. And GOD FORBID you ever have to fight to find the truth of what happened to your child.
Since when is 6 people, saying nothing, unless asked, an angry mob?
According to the posted letter on the window of Azafran (8/12)...Ms. Goihman has been in the process of "selling" the restaurant for six months! She gave her employees two weeks notice. Obviously she doesn't speak with her employees either about HER ACTIONS!
Ms. Goihmann should have admitted from the beginning, why HER car was the car that struck Kayla. That was HER CAR! Ms. Goihmann's lack of cooperation is the root of all the problems. Not only did her car cause the death of a young girl but now, her employees can thank her for losing their jobs. So verbally attacking Ms. P on her personal website is not going to solve any problems. Let's not blame the wrong person.
Wow I am amazed at how quickly we have lost sight of what is important. The restaurant closing is not what is important here. The lessening of wages to employees who are losing their jobs in two weeks is not important. What is important is that justice is brought for Kayla. We live in an amazing country where we have the right to protest. I have driven by the protest a number of times on my way to visit my friend who lives in East Falls. Both Drew and I are proud to support this cause. While we have faith in our justice system, sometimes you need to help it move along Mrs. P isn't doing anything wrong. In fact, she is following along the footsteps of many great Americans by fighting for a cause she believes in. While most people would sit with their hands in their pockets, she has decided to be heard. Mrs. P you are truly an inspiration. Keep up the great work!
Mrs. P... Everyone should have a Mrs. P in their family!!! If it were not for all of your time and energy, this injustice also would have been "swept under the rug!" I have been checking in on this site the past few days, and I am saddened by the bloggers who do not understand. I read their blogs and think WHAT???? WHAT???? Kayla will have justice and those who are in fact guilty WILL pay the price!!! With all of the injustice in this world, this one should not just "GO AWAY!" God Bless you Mrs P.
Is there any way to remove comments that only serve to inflame and insult? They're not serving a productive purpose here and I'm concerned that new readers will get focused on a ridiculous post and continue the ranting.
The world needs more people like Donna. I understand that there are some out there that feel she is wrong. We are all entitled to our own opinion. Donna is fighting for not only Kayla but for the rest of us. It's unfair that in our society you can just get away with wrong doings because of how much money you have or by who you know. She is also teaching our children to stand up for what they believe in and to fight for what is right. Donna, I'm behind you 150%!
God Bless Donna Persico. A seat in Heaven awaits you, a long, long time from now.
Mrs this a picture of you?
Honk for Kayla was an empowering, relieving, energizing event for me. It helped me to grieve for Kayla as well as give me the oppurtunity to stand up for justice and what is right in honor of my dear sweet Kayla. It was 28 days well worth it!
I am so saddened for the family of this horrible crime. Clearly the cluprit, despite her right to remain silient, could do the decent thing and come forward for the sake of the family.
At the same time know the people who work in restaurants do not make a lot of money. They had nothing to do with this awful crime. Their children and families need their income and they are working hard to take care of their families. Should they lose their apartments because of what someone else did? Do you want their electric bill to go unpaid because of someone else's awful actions?
Please show these people empathy and do not destroy their ability to care for their families. This is not justice, it does not honor Kayla's memory, and I wonder if this is what she would want.
I pray for all who suffer...
TO: gdslamb
"I think Donna Persico is a little out of line." ??????????
Ms. gdslamb: Close your eyes and imagine (as I do; a parent of a 16 year old) opening your front door for the rest of your life and see the images of YOUR 15 year old daughter dead, wedged under a parked car. Imagine......
"but to say what Persico did in today's paper that she feels no empathy for the restaurant's employees is a shame."
Shame on the employees for remaining employed by such a heartless, scum of the earth animal like her.
"let the criminal justice system do its work and leave the thuggery at home, that is certainly not how Kayla would've have wanted it"
Thuggery????? I think YOU "are out of line"........
To Rob:
The only one that "destroyed their ability to care for their families" was their employer.
Response to gdslamb:
To which comment do I respond first?
Azafran's employees are not the target and I think the word VIGILANTE is a bit dramatic, don't you?
And "thuggery"? Also more than a BIT dramatic. No one there has been threatened, harrassed or physically violated.
As for the employees' innocence in all of this, I agree. They are the innocent victims. Wait staff make a very small salary minus their tips. But I am also soon to lose my job. I am the victim of a CEO who ran a business into the ground. It's HIS fault that I am losing my job, not the out of state company that is buying it. I certainly don't blame the buyer. Businesses close all of the time. People leave their jobs for new ones all of the time.
I do have empathy for the employees there. It's terrible to have financial stress and wonder how you're going to care for your family and meet your financial obligations. But Donna Persico isn't putting these people out of work.
Excuse me anonymous.....but becoming a vigilante should not be tolerated in our society. To remember Kayla is one thing and we all feel the pain, though we can't begin to imagine exactly what her family feels. We do care. So, excuse yourself please, for making such terrible comments about seeing 'YOUR 15 year old daughter dead, wedged under a parked car. Imagine......' I think your disgraceful comments deserve an apology to everyone involved in this effort.
Forming a vilgilante group to force hardships on this business owner is one thing and may feel appropriate (though she is innocent until proven guilty and that is THE LAW) but that is for our prosecutors, judges, and jurys to you ARE NOT the law. The employees of this business owner are trying to pay their bills and make ends meet just like everyone else. How dare you take the decision into your hands to possibly ruin their lives. Who are you to do such a thing. Your anger is misplaced and for that, you and all of your vigilante cohorts should be ashamed and possibly jailed for harassment.
god forbid your son or daughter ever become involved in a crime, would you want an angry mob calling for their head? No, you would want their day in court. Don't be a hypocrite.
I see that my "disgraceful comment" upset you. I take it you closed your eyes and imagined ..... horrific isn't it?
You are right..the protestors are NOT the Law and do not claim to be, but as Goihman has rights, so do the protestors.
Obviously, you have not been to one of the protests at Azafran's, otherwise you would not be accusing the protestors of being "vigilantes" or "angry mobs" You are misinformed.
Hypocrite? Please, DON'T put my children in the same category as that monster. I accept your apology.
Response to gdslamb:
I looked up the definitions of vigilante and thug in the dictionary.
They are as follows:
(noun) : a member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law appear inadequate)
Perhaps your use of this word was right on and not dramatic. This is a group of people organized to to make sure that justice is served; because in this "criminal friendly" commonwealth of ours, as described just that way to me from a police official, justice is not something you can just EXPECT but often must PURSUE.
With reference to your use of thuggery, I present the following definition:
(noun) : a brutal ruffian or assassin : GANGSTER , KILLER
Sorry, I can't give you that one. That IS ENTIRELY dramatic. This "MOB" you speak of consists of about 5-6 people, quietly standing on the street, giving information to people and explaining the case only to people who ask for it.
I certainly don't want to make this a game of semantics with you.
I respect your right to openly disagree with the efforts of this group.
I suppose you and I will just have to agree to disagree.
A Note to All Who Have COMPLETE Faith in our Justice System
May you never have to know what it is to have to fight for this thing called "justice", one of our so called birth rights.
Our history is full of examples of justice that came to those who FOUGHT for it; who FORCED the powers that be to revisit the constitution and make JUST decisions based on IT'S CONTENTS; not on the amount of money placed in their pockets from those who would escape the consequences for their UNJUST behavior. People who FOUGHT to make sure that JUSTICE was served, as defined by the laws of the land NOT based on a Prosecutor's decision on whether or not their reputation would be tarnished by losing a case that they KNEW had merit but were afraid to try it. People have to see that justice is done in cases that seemed so trial to law officials because in their minds they had "bigger fish to fry".
For all the naive, I hope you are never put in a position to have to FIGHT for your birth right. And GOD FORBID you ever have to fight to find the truth of what happened to your child.
Since when is 6 people, saying nothing, unless asked, an angry mob?
According to the posted letter on the window of Azafran (8/12)...Ms. Goihman has been in the process of "selling" the restaurant for six months! She gave her employees two weeks notice. Obviously she doesn't speak with her employees either about HER ACTIONS!
Ms. Goihmann should have admitted from the beginning, why HER car was the car that struck Kayla. That was HER CAR! Ms. Goihmann's lack of cooperation is the root of all the problems. Not only did her car cause the death of a young girl but now, her employees can thank her for losing their jobs. So verbally attacking Ms. P on her personal website is not going to solve any problems. Let's not blame the wrong person.
Wow I am amazed at how quickly we have lost sight of what is important. The restaurant closing is not what is important here. The lessening of wages to employees who are losing their jobs in two weeks is not important. What is important is that justice is brought for Kayla. We live in an amazing country where we have the right to protest. I have driven by the protest a number of times on my way to visit my friend who lives in East Falls. Both Drew and I are proud to support this cause. While we have faith in our justice system, sometimes you need to help it move along Mrs. P isn't doing anything wrong. In fact, she is following along the footsteps of many great Americans by fighting for a cause she believes in. While most people would sit with their hands in their pockets, she has decided to be heard. Mrs. P you are truly an inspiration. Keep up the great work!
Please do not take your revenge out on the employees.
What revenge? Ms. Goihman decided 6 months ago to sell AZAFRAN and didn't even have the courtesy of telling her employees.
Mrs. P...
Everyone should have a Mrs. P in their family!!! If it were not for all of your time and energy, this injustice also would have been "swept under the rug!" I have been checking in on this site the past few days, and I am saddened by the bloggers who do not understand. I read their blogs and think WHAT???? WHAT???? Kayla will have justice and those who are in fact guilty WILL pay the price!!! With all of the injustice in this world, this one should not just "GO AWAY!" God Bless you Mrs P.
How do you sleep at night?! You must have nightmares with all of your disturbed thoughts!!!
Mrs. P.
Is there any way to remove comments that only serve to inflame and insult? They're not serving a productive purpose here and I'm concerned that new readers will get focused on a ridiculous post and continue the ranting.
The world needs more people like Donna. I understand that there are some out there that feel she is wrong. We are all entitled to our own opinion. Donna is fighting for not only Kayla but for the rest of us. It's unfair that in our society you can just get away with wrong doings because of how much money you have or by who you know. She is also teaching our children to stand up for what they believe in and to fight for what is right. Donna, I'm behind you 150%!
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