Tuesday, August 09, 2005




Donna Persico said...

A response to "My Heart Is Broken" an interview given by Susanna Goihman by Barbara Laker of the Daily News gave rise to


"...there are no tears when she speaks of Kayla."

Read entire article:

"The owner of the popular Azafran restaurant on 3rd Street near South has not been charged with any crime. She hasn't even talked with police about the tragedy."

Phase one: HONK FOR KAYLA.
begun: July 8,2005
ended: Ausust 3, 2005



Goihman opened Azafran, a Latin-American-themed restaurant, in 1997.

She told the Daily News that her restaurant was not suffering from the publicity surrounding the girl's death.

"It's busy, busy," she said. "People are going. It's very supported. I want to pass my love on to these people."

Begun: August 9, 2005
Ended: ????????????

Anonymous said...

do u have a plan of action? how can we bring azafran down?????

Donna Persico said...

We ALWAYS HAVE A PLAN OF ACTION...a sign carrying protest outside of Azafran each Tuesday thru Sunday 4:30 until closing.

Donna Persico said...

Tonight AZAFRAN closed 8:45 p.m. instead of 10! Business must be slow.

Anonymous said...

I have been an Azafran regular, ever since it opened, and I live nearby. But ever since I heard about Ms Goihman's failure to come forward and speak about whatever she may know about Kayla's death, I haven't been back to Azafran and I tell all my friends to stay away too. Good luck to you all with the protest!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all the compassionte people who walked passed Azafran last night and made an informed choice not to support the restaurant. We appreciate your support and please continue to spread the information to all the people you know.

Anonymous said...

I am overwhelmed with emotion when I think of everything that is being done for Kayla! I drove by her house today and honked just for the heck of it!! Please keep up the determination and I hope Azafran closes at 7:45 tonite!!

Anonymous said...

Azafran did`nt close as early tonight however it was very slow.I think the few people who did stay to eat are either friends or family.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone please explain to me why we are not aloud to had out flyers on South ST. I never new a person could get a fine for that !!!

Donna Persico said...

What do you mean, we are not allowed to pass out flyers on South Street? Was someone threateded with a fine? If so, by whom? Also when you sign in on this site click other and put in your name and e-mail address...unless you REALLY want to remain Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

You should be able to hand out flyers. Its your first amendment right. If someone (a cop?) tries to infringe that right you need to take their number and inform them that you know your rights and will escalate their illegal behavior to the police complaints body/newpaper/TV/ACLU.

Anonymous said...

I had no problem handing out flyers on Tuesday night. And I'll be back again - it is my first ammendment right to inform the public how our justice system works, or in some cases, doesn't work. There are many establishments on or near South St that hand out party promotions. How can it be against the law to hand out flyers that call for the promotion of justice. And I will be back, with the hope of handing out double the amount of flyers that went out on Tuesday night.
God Bless Kayla Peter, her family, her friends and the strangers whose hearts she has touched.
Justice for Kayla Peter.

Donna Persico said...

Hey Mag, I agree with Jack. This flyer issue has to be addressed and information found out. Like I said, we are learning how to do this protest thing...and we want to do it right. Can anyone out there do some research on this issue as well?

Anonymous said...

I called a close personal friend of mine that is a Philadelphia Police Officer. He told me that UNLESS THERE IS A SIGN POSTED THAT SAYS "NO SOLICITING" you cannot be fined for handing out flyers on the street. I'll see if there's anything on a PDP website that says otherwise but that came directly from a Philadelphia cop.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let everyone know we still need help down at Azafran to inform the public. We need teenagers as well as adults. If anyone is willing to help out by giving a couple of hours a week or just a one shot deal, I need to hear from you. I can be reached at 484-529-5582 any time. Just leave a message on voice mail if I don't answer. So far the vigils have been very effective but it will only work if we all stand together to bring Justice for Kayla and an End to Azafran. Thanks to all who have helped and continue to support the effort.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I have a correction - my real phone # is 484-429-5582. Tim

Donna Persico said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE...yes..it is technically morning! Tonight I am going to Azafran! Anyone want to join me? Please let me know. We want the protest there, to be as effective as HONK FOR KAYLA. Smaller numbers, yes, but the same committment and intensity. Please post and let me know.

Anonymous said...

Would you run?

Imagine this happening to you...

One Sunday morning during service, a 2,000 member congregation was surprised to see two men enter, both covered from head to toe in black and carrying submachine guns.

One of the men proclaimed,

"Anyone willing to take a bullet for Christ remain where you are."

Immediately, the choir fled...
the deacons fled...

and most of the congregation

Out of the 2,000 there only
remained around 20.

The man who had spoken took off his hood...

He then looked at the preacher and said "Okay Pastor, I got rid of all the hypocrites... Now you may begin your service. Have a nice day!"

Donna Persico said...

Tonight I went to Azafran for the first time. The experience was awesome...between the hours of 6 to 10 PM only one couple went in and ate. AZAFRAN was suppose to close at 11 but by 10 they turned the lights out. By 10:30 the lights were turned out and all of the help had left.

Tomorrow night is really, really important. A woman came over to us and said, "AZAFRAN had been reserved for her boyfriend's birthday party (Saturday August 13. Although we usually only need 4 to 6 people there each evening...tomorrow we are asking that about 20 people go. I can take some people down and so can Brett. If you can attend please e-mail me at rdadam@aol.com
I am notifying the media that we will be there in force so please, please come on down if you can! Tonight CN8 and the Review were there.

Donna Persico said...

Tonight when we went to Azafran a hand printed letter was put into the front window as we began the protest:

12 August 2005
To the family and friends of Kayla Peter, The staff of Azafran was informed last night that as of 28 August, the restaurant will permanently close its doors.
It is our understanding that the sale has been in negotiations for more than six months, but regardless of the circumstances, it will be happening nonetheless. We ask that you consider ending your nightly vigil at Azafran...
It's an enormous request, because we support your rights to do so, but, please consider that like you, we have families and financial responsibilities. We ask that for the remaining two weeks, we be allowed an honest and fair attempt to meet our obligations to our families and to ourselves.
We do not claim to know what you are going through, but we know what it's like to grieve for a loved one.
The Service and Kitchen Staff
of Azafran

Anonymous said...

i understand the letter, but i hope this doesn't mean that the vigil would stop! there has been pain and hardships on both ends, but the financial strain has not been determined and a a fault of ours...it has been that of ms goihman. the patrons bring in a few dollars for the staff, but they still receive pay checks, they also still have a family and loved ones to go home to. This vigil is a way for all of you to be close, and in a sense go home to Kayla. The absence of the vigil puts a few more dollars in ms goihman's pocket to afford the lawyer that is supporting a crime...if she were concerned about her workers well being she would have spoken by now, or reached out to Kayla's family. It is also pretty convenient that the last two weeks of summer, which brings the largest crowds such as this party mentioned tonight, are the days they all of a sudden "kindly" request that the vigil back off. Does ms. goihman keep the protestors families, feelings and financial burdens into consideration?? How about all of you people who have sacraficed part-time jobs over the summer to support Kayla's justice, or Mrs. P that has sacraficed time with her family and children and free time to enjoy what she could of the summer aside from it's tragedy. Please don't hold back for these two weeks. Please. The purpose is to keep awareness and not let this slip past people's minds and the system. And the grand jury is no where near done. You are all kind people, but its not our responsibilities to care for ms goihman's employees these last two weeks. it's hers...and we will only cheer louder the last day when those doors close...don't you want to be there?!?!

Donna Persico said...

Thank you Jay...be certain we will be there tonight. I hope you come.

Anonymous said...

It sounds to me like Ms. Goihman will close or sell the restaurant, and then possibly flee to Venezuela to avoid prosecution. Perhaps she was advised to leave the country by a friend in law enforcement. If she does stay, I believe that the only way to get the killer to talk is by filing a wrongful death lawsuit. I think she can be compelled to testify in a case like that.

Anonymous said...

These same people have known about "the negotiations"
for six months, and also have known about the owner's
involvment with Kayla since June. I am curious as to
why they are still working there and staying until the
last minute. Philadelphia is a restaurant mecca and
jobs are certainly available. How come they have not
re-located by now? I understand that Azafran only
serves 32 people and is only open for dinner. There is
a lot missing from this letter. I suspect that either
the owner wrote the letter and/or the staff are very
likely illegal aliens.

Mary Jo Callan (Katie Chandler's Mom, a.k.a. "Kate 2".

Anonymous said...

The writing on that letter looks like Susanna Goihmanss handwriting!!!!!!!!Look at the note hanging in her restaurant window saying how her grandmother taught her how to cook. Looks the same to me.

Anonymous said...

Also consider how the date is written. Americans do not typically write the date in this fashion (12 August 2005; 28 August)unless they have served in the military. This IS typical of other countries, however.

Anonymous said...

If the family is ultimately interested in pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit against Ms. Goihman, wouldn't it be better off having the restaurant stay open as long as possible and be profitable as long as possible in order to have money to satisfy a judgment?

I also don't see the need to punish her employees like this. This all feels scarily close to vigilante justice.

Anonymous said...

Outward expressions of forgiveness would be a more fitting tribute to Kayla's memory than public displays of revenge and bloodlust. Go to your private space and say a prayer for Kayla and her family. Standing on the street and shouting calls attention to yourself, and does nothing for Kayla.

Anonymous said...

I also used to go to Azafran, but after reading the article in the Inquirer this morning I will no longer support this restaurant. I only hope that more people follow us in this and Ms. Goihman gets what she deserves.

Anonymous said...

yes, i'm sure those servers are doing OK with their (if they're lucky) $2/hour paychecks. and if there is no business, there is very little hourly kitchen staff on hand either. restaurant employees aren't salaried; they only get paid while they're working...and if there is no need for staff, they get sent home.

by the way, restaurant employees almost *never* know about pending sales (otherwise, they would leave, and no staff would remain to run the place). typically, workers are just suddenly out of work one day. whether the "6 months" statement is true or not is irrelevant; this protest is only taking money out of innocent peoples' wallets.

i understand your feelings, but the seemingly callous disregard for the innocent people who are being affected doesn't seem too different from Goihman's own dispicable actions. you're not honoring kayla; you're venting your own (justified) anger. it's a terrible tragedy, but this phase of the protest only serves to make the protestors feel better.

should Goihman be held accountable for her actions? of course. is this accomplishing that? nope.

the reality is that Goihman is likely not being too badly hurt financially by this protest, but her employees probably are. sure, she's losing a few weeks' revenue (during the slow season, no less), but she's still going to get a nice fat sale price for the business.

meanwhile, her employees get to try to find new work.

Anonymous said...

While I understand your grief, there's absolutely no reason to attack the employees of Azafran. They are working people too and unless you have friends or family in the restaurant business, you may not realize that summertime is quite possibly the worst time of year to look for a new job. A fairly large % of city residents head down to the shore during the summer and there aren't enough tourists for most restaurants to maintain a large staff during the season. So, no they can't necessarily go out and find another job. And illegal aliens? Wow, bigotry and racism are alive and well in Philadelphia. You're really honoring Kayla's memory there.

You guys have been doing a great job so far. Don't let people making stupid racist comments color the good work you're doing.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the above comment--"revenge" and "bloodlust" are rather inflammatory words, and do not accurately reflect the unified call for justice that those of us who loved Kayla have put forth. And forgiveness doesn't mean that you don't hold people accountable for their actions. While we can never bring Kayla back, we can prevent others from being victims of Ms. Goihman's apparent disregard for human life and the law. How many Kaylas have been killed by repeat DUI offenders who never learned their lesson, or who, because of their position in the local community, were excused from facing the consequences of their actions?

And it's unfair to call us "vigilantes" (another inflammatory term). If you really knew what vigilante justice was--if you'd ever been in countries where lawlessness and corruption prevail--you'd know that these passionate but peaceful protests are the furthest thing from vigilante justice. Perhaps you should go to your own private space and reflect upon your choice of words.

Anonymous said...

I happen to know for a fact that the person who wrote the letter is neither the proprietor, nor an illegal alien.
Instead, she is someone who has been given two weeks to find a new job, who is stuggling with a reduced pay-check from working shorter hours and who has received fewer tips as a result of your vigil/protest.
It would appear that Kayla is not the only innocent party to have suffered here.

Anonymous said...

Who do you think's going to be hurt worse by the clozing of Azafran? The owner who probably has enough cash to launch another business venture or the employees who will be out of work?

You all are a bunch of misguided assholes.

Anonymous said...

Being foreign doesn't make them "illegal". The waittress that we usually had was here on a work visa. She was also very sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly. You can't just work somewhere other than the place that is named on your work visa. You must immediately go back to your native country when you become unemployed.
I haven't been there since this happened, and I'll never go back because of Goihman. But I think it is ignorant to say that this is easy on the employees. They didn't commit a crime and I don't think berating them makes sense here. Let's keep the focus where it belongs, on Goihman.

Anonymous said...

Before this becomes a blog for discussing immigration and labor issues in the restaurant industry--please, let's pause and remember that this all started because someone killed a young girl with a car and left her to die in the street like an animal.

The owner of that car, who happens to also be a local restaurant owner, has completely refused to cooperate with police in this investigation. None of us who loved Kayla want to see others lose their livelihoods, but we cannot allow this murder to remain uninvestigated and unpunished--not just for Kayla's sake, but for the sake of others who would be at risk from the driver's irresponsibility. Public safety, as well as justice, is at issue here.

Yes, it is extremely unfortunate that the employees of Azafran are directly affected by our calls for justice, but the blame belongs with Ms. Goihman, not with those who are lawfully and peacefully exercising their rights. Ms. Goihman is responsible for the car that killed Kayla, Ms. Goihman is responsible for her refusal to speak with police, Ms. Goihman is responsible for her business and for the payroll of her employees, and Ms. Goihman is also likely in some position, if she so desires, to provide job references and perhaps even some small severance pay to her employees. (Those of us who have protested in front of her house can attest that she possesses some financial wherewithal.)

Clearly, Ms. Goihman's actions have had, and continue to have, far-reaching and devastating consequences, and she needs to take responsibility for those actions and make amends to the best of her ability.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope the lawyer for the Peter Family will put a lein on all of Goihman's assets, so that she will not be allowed to profit and prosper from the sale of this business. Also, she should be made to surrender her passport, so that she cannot flee the country and escape the justice that is soon to be delivered.
To the employees of Azafran - no one ever meant to cause you any harm. These family and friends of Kayla are fighting for justice, and have taken every legal means to do so. They - we - never intended for any of you to suffer. Personally - I could never work for someone like Goihman - and I would have worked to find new employment when the news of her involment in this case became public. Actually - news of her involvemnet might not have made me leave, but news of her refusing to offer information that she is privy too, would have me questioning her character, and would have helped me make the decision that I could not be associated with a person lacking so much moral dignity and common human decency. Nothing that has been done - flyers, signs, peaceful quiet protests, educating the public - on 3rd St was directed at the employees of this establishment. These actions are directed at the owner of the establishment,the owner of a non-existent conscience, the owner of the Lexus that struck and killed Kayla Peter. Your lives will go on - you will find work in other places. Kayla's life has ended, untimely, tragically, horrendously. I don't see how the weight of loosing a job is equal to the weight of loosing a daughter, granddaughter, a sister, a niece, a friend. A girl who had so much promise and was soon to become a responsible and productive member of our society.
I hope that you never have to experience the nightmare that Mellisa and her family are living every day. And if this does happen to you, I hope that your friends and family will support you and yours in the way that Kayla's have done for her.

Anonymous said...

I think the people who work at Azafran should just look for a new job NOW! Why wait 2 weeks, we are not going away.Maybe a little call to imigration will speed your job search!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I find it interesting MRS. P does not comment on Kayla's original site! Where are all your daily thoughts to Kayla? Has the center of attention been moved? Have you lost the original focus? You only make Kayla's memory look bad with your irresponsibile comments!People will be loosing thier jobs and then where do you go?

Donna Persico said...

FOR THE RECORD... The protestors are not vigilantes! At most there are 6 of us outside of AZAFRAN. We say nothing, unless asked. People see the signs and make their own decisions. They read the flyer and make an informed decision to either eat there or not.

Our purpose is to keep the investigation into the death of Kayla alive.

Ms. Goihman put her own employees in harms way for unemployment in her July 8 interview when she is quoted as saying, "her restaurant was not suffering from the publicity surrounding the girl's death."

"It's busy, busy," she said. "People are going. It's very supported. I want to pass my love on to these people."

Did these people she thanked know that Ms. Goihman's car killed Kayla? That AZAFRAN has, all but ceased being patronized is a side effect of "would be" patrons learning the events surrounding Kayla's death.

Today the same employees who signed and posted the "Closing Note" are quoted in the Inquire as saying "...no one there (AZAFRAN) knew whether or when the restaurant was closing".

I sorta had a flashback to Ms. Goihman saying that she and her lawyer Brian McMonagle had turned her white Lexus in to the Philadelphia Police following the accident. Now wasn't that proven to be a profound lie!

Anonymous said...

The loss of a loved one is always hard and trying... even more when the loss is tragic and premature. That being understood, I feel that perspective has been lost in this particular situation.

The Fifth Ammendment of the Constitution states tae "No person shall... be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law" - and I feel that the actions of the Peter family in this case are egregiously irresponsible.

From what I have read, the full extent of Ms. Goihman's involvment in this tragedy is not known - and I feel it would be more prudent, to let any investigation run its' course before and aggressive campaign is mounted to ruin another person.

Furthermore, many of the commentary I have read from supporters on this site is in bad taste... Specifically comments regarding the immigration status of the employees of Azafran. These comments are small minded, and off base.

When I first read about this tragedy, I felt for the Peter family. Their actions since then, have caused me to view the family with increased skepticism, because I feel they are opportunitist trying to profit from a tragedy.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who continues to work at Azafran is complicit in Susan Goihman's attempts to hide the truth about the night that Kayla died. as somone who worked for many years in the restaurant business in Philly, it is pretty easy to get a waiting/busing/dishwasing job in this town.

If you want to make more money then join another restaurant. Attacking the supporters of a young girl who was run over by the car of this restaurant owner is certainly not a morally ethical position to take and it lacks cuth, class and respect for the dead.

Anonymous said...

NOTHING has been proven!! mrs.p No protests or vigils will change what happens @ the grand jury! Why don't you spend your time comforting the people who are affected by Kayla's loss.Be a better example to Kayla's memory!

Donna Persico said...

In regard to developing this BLOG. Kaylapeter.com is a beautiful personal site and should remain that way. It is a place for the kids to remain in-touch with Kayla. To share their thoughts with her. Please respect that.

Anonymous said...

To all of the "veterans of the restaurant industry" testifying as to the ease with which one can easily find restaurant work in Philadelphia: THEY ARE BEING DEPORTED YOU DUM DUMS! THAT MAKES IT REAL DIFFICULT TO GET ANOTHER WAITERING JOB ON SOUTH STREET!

Do you really think Ms Goihman is going to give them severance? What restaurants have you ever worked in where they handed out severance? NONE, I'll bet. And we're talking about someone with no conscience. Duh!

STOP talking about these employees and start focusing on Goihman. And for that matter, what about McMonagle. Lynne Abraham? Where has she been?

Anonymous said...

The Kayla Peter family should request this BLOG site to be removed!! Mrs.P. has lost site of her mission,and purley displays total dis-regard for human life. She has completely destroyed her cause!

Anonymous said...

All of you should be ashamed of yourselves for this childish bickering. And half of you have spoken so loudly under "anonymous". Both sides have valid arguments under the words of law. Yes, the employees are not the focus and it ISN'T right that they are suffering in their occupations due to these events. But Mrs. P should not in any way be attacked either. She is aiding in the voice of young adults that are looking for a way to achieve justice for their friend. Think of all the ways people could have reacted to this occurrence. Violently, unproductively, and carelessly. Are the people who are fighting so hard in the name of Ms. Goihman convinced she has done everything in her power to avoid this type of situation? Has she been wrongfully targeted? No one is STRAIGHT OUT blaming her...they just wish she would speak of what she knows. No one has more information right now then Ms. Goihman. And if you are employees of Ms. Goihman, please stop spending time on a website for a murdered child venting because you are losing your jobs and go find one in this extra time you have to be sitting on the computer. And if you are a loved one of Ms Goihman acting in defense which is understandable, because clearly that is the point of Mrs P and all of the friends and family of Kayla, then YOU go be supportive to this individual in the center of all of this trauma and turmoil and use YOUR time to DEFEND Ms Goihman on your OWN site in HONOR of this wonderful woman you all so dearly admire...DO NOT take it out on either one of her sites. Start your own...and vent there...where this is a place for KAYLA's supporters...

Anonymous said...

So if we don't agree with everything that is being said and the way the "protest" is being handled we are not allowed our voice! No one here does not support the memory of Kayla. Saying ..... no one has come out and accused anyone,then my question is simple...... What will you do to the proven guilty??

Donna Persico said...

EVERYONE should have a voice here!

Donna Persico said...

WHOEVER POSTED THIS NEEDS TO BE INFORMED..."I feel that the actions of the Peter family in this case are egregiously irresponsible."

"When I first read about this tragedy, I felt for the Peter family. Their actions since then, have caused me to view the family with increased skepticism, because I feel they are opportunitist trying to profit from a tragedy."

The FAMILY of KAYLA PETER have nothing to do with this site nor with the protest. Neither Kayla's mother, nor Kayla's step-father have ever attended, or been asked to, approve or disapprove of the "Justice For Kayla" activities.

Throughout the past two months the parents of Kayla Peter have said nothing. No interviews, no news coverage. Oh excuse me...they did give a statement at Kayla's funeral! Get it right, it was Ms. Goihman who gave an indept interview to the Daily News published July 8.

Where does the "opportunitists trying to profit from tragedy come in?" The family of Kayla Peter lost everything in this case.

Be informed before you post please. Also enter your name in the "other" in the Choose an identy section of this BLOG.

Anonymous said...

she may have just change the ownership to one of her family member and still profitting from behind. suggest poster of the owner with "KILLER" written on her. this way, no matter where she goes, people will know who she is!!!! Killer!!!

Anonymous said...


Excellent post. Well-thought and well-versed. I could not agree more. I grew up in East Falls, about 5 doors away from where Ms. Goihman currently resides. I do not know her and I do not know the family of Kayla Peter.

What I DO know is that the bickering on this site is losing complete sight of the facts.

The anger of the friends and family of Kayla Peter, as well as the anger and stress of the staff of Ms. Goihman should be focused on one person, and one person only. Susanna Goihman.

Yes, her lawyer appears "complicit", but unfortunately, that is the nature of being a defense attorney Defense lawyers defend murderers every day of the week, knowing that they are guilty, and they have no choice.

Ms. Goihman, on the other hand, has made a choice which has nothing to do with her profession. I do not know if she is arrogant or a coward, or both. She has basically thumbed her nose at the justice system, using her fifth ammendement rights thus far. She has chosen to make no statements, and refuses to confirm or deny her direct involvement in the murder of an innocent child. I am fairly sure that if one was innocent in such a heinous crime, one would by denying it, vigorously!!!!!

When a gun is found at the scene of a murder, and is traced to someone, and that somone has a criminal past, that someone is typically brought in for questioning. I have never been able to understand from the very beginning, why the police felt that they could not force her to come in for questioning. Of course she could have refused to talk, but isn't there sufficient evidence to hold her? Someone with a less powerful lawyer, and less money, in a worse neighborhood, would still be held in jail at this point, and certainly would have had their passport revoked as a flight risk, which she IS!

Why the special treatment, and why almost no comments from the police? I am equally disgusted with their role in this, and the role of the D.A. as well. Hopefully a grand jury will see sufficent cause for a case. If not, shame on them and shame on the detectives handling this case for even needing a grand jury.

It is tragic that the employees of Azafran are losing income, and that is a terribly unfair result of a terribly unfair death. When the CEO of Enron cooked the books, people lost their life savings, and thousands of employees were left without jobs, almost instantly. However, the CEO of Enron was to blame, NOT the Justice Department who investigated and shut them down.

All anger should be focused on Susanne Goihman. Either she cost you your job, or she cost you a dear friend/family member.

Joanna B.

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous - comparisons to Enron? The reason Enron went out of business was b/c they had fabricated the existence of the money they needed to run, not b/c they were harangued by people who had a personal animosity against their owner. Their management was the direct cause of these people losing their jobs, which is not the case fir Azafran.

(btw, I know nobody involved in this case- on either side and feel horrible for Kayla's family having had a similar incident in my family's past.)

Secondly, it should be noted that nothing has been proven in this case. While I think that she's guilty, there could be other reason's for her not talking....like the fear of vigilante justice if she were to come forward. Not that there's any reason to worry about that, is there? *cough*

Third, I find it highly ironic that this community, which has rightfully and vigorously defended its free speech and assembly rights, wants those who disagree with its methods to simply shut up and get off this web site.

Last, it's amazing how callous some have been in disregarding other people's financial well-being. It's typical that the same kind of people who are absolutely entitled to their speech while want to silence those who disagree. Finding a new job is never easy. Period. It is not Goihmann who's put this place out of business or into the red, it's you. You are responsible for the innocent people affected by your actions too. Make sure you don't do things you'll regret months from now.

A better approach to this might be to have pre-stamped postcards to Goihmann's home that actual customers can sign, saying something like: I am a paying Azafran customer who wants you to cooperate with this investigation. Getting 10 or 20 of those in your mailbox everyday (regardless of who owns the restaurant) might be pretty powerful.

Anonymous said...

Joanna B.


Thank you for your attempt to refocus our attention where it belongs, myself included.

Inflammatory remarks about immigrants, illegal aliens, pro-life/pro choice connections and other politcal agendas have no place here. Let's try to stick to the facts. The intent of this website was to provide a place to go to share thoughts about Kayla and the case. I don't believe it was ever intended for political, racist, inflammatory statements.

We all have the right to express our opinions but let's try and do so with respect for each other and without personal attacks.

Just my .........expressed opinion........

Anonymous said...

Kayla was a remarkable girl, who brought light to any room, who knew what pain was, who knew what it was like not to have a lot of money, but who knew what it was like to have loads of friends. She knew sadness, longing for a dead father, she knew what it was like to be unfairly treated. At 15, she went through more than many adults have ever faced. Her life story ended at the hands of someone who wont or cant tell. We dont know. What we do know is that the police found a car that matches the crime. that car belongs to Susanna.We also know that she owns a restaurant, and a nice house. That she has a lawyer, and that she has not said anything more. We know Kayla's death will shape Chayse and Blaze, that Jimmy will have to live with this, and that Melissa will never forget her baby girl, and will cry for her, even years from now. We know that God is close to the brokenhearted, even when they do not feel His presence, and that He is a God of Justice, and truth, and also of Mercy and Love. Vengence is God's as is His ability and desire that good will come from this grief.
I pray that Susanna does the right thing, I pray that her employees find even better employement, that they will prosper,even as the wicked are brought down. And that all who know and love Kayla, remember that in Christ there is no death, only victory. I pray that Susanna and whoever was behind that wheel (maybe herself) finds the mercy of Christ before its too late. For Jesus himself LOVED the children, wept with Lazarus' family, understood grief and wrongful death, and recieved Kayla in His loving arms 2 months ago. May we all find his peace while seeking the truth. SUSANNA, know this, THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE! AND HE WHO CHRIST SETS FREE WILL BE FREE INDEED!
We love you Kayla, Melissa, and family.

Anonymous said...

I did not know Kayla Peter but am absolutely incensed at how Susanna Goihman has actually gotten away with not giving a statement to police.

And why are the police and media, all of a sudden, very careful in protecting her? Had that been anyone else, their picture, name, age and block address would have been put up on the TV that night along with every news camera in town filming the block and trailing the person. They would have planted it in peoples' heads that the person was guilty of the crime, as they do all the time, but Goihman just so happens to be different. (Never mind the person would have been caught right away instead of the police taking their good old time with this one.)

How well-connected is Goihman that she's so above the law?

I know all about being presumed innocent until proven guilty but my opinion is Goihman was behind the wheel when she struck and killed Kayla and because it inconvenienced her, she couldn't be bothered to stop.

It's going to be interesting to see if she tells the grand jury that she lights a candle for Kayla (are we supposed to be touched at that?).

I'm glad people are making this arrogant woman's life a living hell.

Anonymous said...

Donna D & Greyparrot - cannot agree with you more. Why wasn't Kayla's family and friends given a chance to get their affairs in order before Kayla was so bruatally and recklessly run down in the street and left like an animal to die? If Goihman's license had been revoked the first time she was issued a DUI, this tragedy might not ever have occurred. How does the law differ for her than from any of us? Our criminal justice system does more to proect the antogonist than it does to protect the victims of crime. I do not beleive our Forefathers had written the Constitution with this ideal in mind. When did we stop protecting vicitms? It must be understood that the crime, visious, violent, heinous crime, against our fellow man cannot be allowed to go unpunished in a civil society, one that is still growing and learning, and professes to be better, smarter, stronger than that of its worldy neighbors. How can we possibly cure the ills of the world when we can't even keep our own yards clean?

And every night, this dear sweet child, her family, her friends, are in my prayers

Anonymous said...

Here is my thing. I understand the initial reaction and human instinct of fear and possibly disbelief when something wrong has happened. Think about it, you could actually internalize the overwhelming decision to just keep going...a few more feet, to the next light, to the place where you turn that key and your engine shuts off. But to go to where you lay your head...and actually, if not instantly even that moment, internalize what has just occurred...its mind boggling. Has someone not slept for over two months? I mean...doesn't your conscious kick in after maybe, to extremes, a day or two?? And you tell no one?? Not even your cat?? But then you switch your perspective...you wake up and see your car is missing...a lexus have you....and you call NO ONE?? Let's go a little further...you wake up one morning, your car was where it was supposed to be when you fell asleep...you wake up...and theres obviously some MAJOR damage to it...you don't even question it?? BUT EVEN BETTER...a description of your CAR and DAMAGES are on the news, the front page of the paper, accessible news websites, AND it's near your residence. And people question where these "assumptions", "accusations", and "questions" come from? Please, any stable minded human being would stop beating around the bush trying to stir up anger amongst a cause full of compassion and determination and realize the center of intelligent reasoning and see the rationalization of where these feelings are coming from. This knit-picking of pictures, and politics, and PC terminology is not from the need to straighten out the minds of a group of individuals searching for truth...it's to try to make some type of rational understanding in their own minds to the unanswered questions they have. Stay united, stay strong, and stay faithful that regardless of which way this case turns, it is for the peace of Kayla. And guess what...when all is said and done...believe this..."money can't buy happiness". Regardless of the findings, the people who truly believed will be able to sleep...knowing that they STOPPED to do what they FELT was right, even though it wasn't fully supported. Even though it took time away from who and what they loved. There will always be people who play devils advocate, but thats just a higher beings test to see if you can withstand the pressures of the world.

Anonymous said...

Well, if things are going to go the way they currently are, the case may go in favor of Susanna Goihman because, apparently, she's connected enough to not be required to give a statement to police (while the rest of us would have been sleep deprived, starved, and mentally abused until we confessed).

Like I said before, I didn't know Kayla Peter, or her family, but I'll bet anything that they don't believe money can "buy" them happiness. The very least they, and Kayla's friends, deserve is an explanation why that woman couldn't do the right thing and stop her car to see what she hit and if the person was okay.

The fact that she steadfastly refuses to speak with police speaks volumes. (Yet she can give a newspaper interview doing a very lousy job of portraying herself as being sympathetic when the expression on her face said it all: She could care less and she's enjoying the publicity.)

Once again, we all know about "innocent until proven guilty" but if there's nothing to hide, why so much hiding?

And *if* someone else were behind the wheel of that car, why can't she just come forward and say so? (I know if that were me, I'd beat it to the police station and scream that it wasn't me who drove the car that night.)

The fact that she has a previous DUI isn't helping her.

As for the criminal justice system: There's a reason why it's called "criminal justice." It seems to benefit the criminal time and again. It's the reason why I have no real faith in it.

But, in the end, it's out of all of our hands. Susanna Goihman will have to talk, whether she wants to or not, in front of a grand jury.

It must be nice to be well-heeled and not have certain laws applied to you.

Anonymous said...

Donna D.

That's been my contention all along. Our justice system, at least in Pennsylvania, is "criminal Friedly". That's how it was described to me by a law enforcement official. I have 5 relatives that are police officers in and out of this city. One is a homicide detective (not in this city) who has told me that what's frustrating to him is that it's not what you KNOW but what you can PROVE and how much the Prosecuter is willing to risk his/her reputation on a case that they could conceivably lose on a technicality.

Add that to the REAL possibility that this woman, whether directly or indicrectly connected to the death of Kayla, is "connected" to any number of city officials and it adds up to a major fight for justice.

Listen, I don't have a particular punishment that, in my mind, would be ENOUGH or SATISFYING. I just want to see that the guilty party is held accountable and punished according what the law provides.

Anonymous said...

Donna D.

One last point....

She actually has the right to plead the 5th even in front of a Grand Jury. She still doesn't HAVE TO talk. But we can always hope that a shred of conscience will float up in this woman and she will talk. In the absence of that we must pray that there is other sufficient evidence to determine who the guilty party was and bring them to justice.

Donna Persico said...

Hey Pattie....ad an "s" to deadly-

Donna Persico said...


Randi D. said...

Donna D.

I'm having a hard time putting my arms around the whole 5th ammendment thing too. In fact, I'm even confused about the 1st ammendment which tells me that I have a right to free speech but I better damn well self censor whatever I say. One wrong verb and I could be slapped with a lawsuit for slander. I guess FREE isn't really FREE.

I'm also having a hard time accepting that the enforcement of the law is only as honest as those enforcing it. And we all know how THAT goes. Money talks, everyone else suspected of a crime who doesn't have the means to buy their freedom is sent to trial.

I'm not naive. I know this is no new revelation. I just think it stinks (not my first choice of words) that this country really isn't what we portray to the world. It's as corrupt as any other. But that's ok because what I'm, ALSO learning is how to fight for it.
