12 August 2005
The staff of Azafran was informed last night that as of 28 August, the restaurant will permanently close its doors.
It is our understanding that the sale has been in negotiations for more than six months, but, regardless of the circumstances, it will be happening nontheless.
Just 3 days later (August 15) in The Philadelphia Inquirer it was reported that, "no one there (AZAFRAN staff) knew whether or when the restaurant was closing"
Tell me Mrs.P, what is your point now??
What is YOUR point?????
I haven't found one in any of your ramblings, although they could be the ramblings of MULTIPLE COWARDS who puff out their chests and then click ANONYMOUS with their toughest finger.
If you have nothing constructive to add to this "discussion" and I use that term very loosely, then ADD NOTHING.
If you DO have something constructive to add....ADD YOUR NAME
It would be nice of you to tell me who you are first, as opposed to posting as anonymous. Then I'll be happy to tell you may point.
Shame Kayla's parents will never have the opportunity to say that to Kayla.
How could any human being put sucha a sweet face on such a vulgar comment.
Until today, I was only an outside observer to this tragedy - but I suppose that the power of the blogospehere has pulled me in.
What happened to Kayla is terrible, and I feel that it should be fully investigated and person, or persons, at fault should be punished. A grand jury investigation has been opened at this point, and I am sure they will investigate this matter to the fullest - hopefully for Kayla's sake they will.
On the other hand, I feel that the actions of this group have gone too far. After reading on www.philly.com today remarks such as "I want every piece of this woman's life interrupted", and "We are in Philadelphia and we're going to do it our way", I was apalled.
What happened to Kayla was an accident, albeit a tragic one - but making aggressive attmepts to ruin anothers life is not right either. There have been several other comments today that have echoed this concern, and I really feel that these comments should be taken into consideration. Personally, the seems to be malicious intent to ruin another person here, and that causes distaste with me.
In no means do I feel that Ms. Goihman's actions were correct, but her actions are being investigated by the proper authorities at this point. Futhermore, the grand jury investigation was not caused by your protesting - it was brought about by the lack statement form Ms. Goihman.
My condolences go out to the Peter family, this tragic event should happen to no one, esspecially a child.
p.s. Regarding the parties involved, I have dined at Azafran several times since their opening (that why I have paid attention to this story). I have not made my decision if I will dine there again before their closure. This post was not made to inflame sensitive emotions, it was only meant to voice my feeling that it is appropriate now to let the authorities do their work.
oh yes - this was an accident. an accident that hit with such force it killed Kayla before she ever hit the ground. What makes this a horrific and unforgivable tragedy is that the coward who did this ran away and is hiding --from the law, from justice, from dignity and from doing the right thing. None of these prostes, blogs, demonstrations would even be taking place if the monster who caused this accident had come forth and assumed accountability for her / his actions. What do you think spurned these people into action in the first place???? A 15 year old girl is killed 500 feet from her front door, by a motor vehicle, and we're just supposed to bury her and say ...."OK - it was an accident - nobody meant to hurt her. so whoever did it - it's all right, we know it was just an accident".
In Philadelphia, if something needs to happen - you have to make it happen. We natives know this, please allow us to do what we need to do, what we have to do, to see that justice is served. And if that means hounding the daylights out of this woman,and making her a little miserable then so be it.
Do you want to see miserable? Let me take you to meet Melissa, Kayla's mom. Then you tell me who's going to suffer more? Longer?? Harder?? Deeper??
To clarify, not once did I defend Ms. Goihman, nor would I like to see anyone miserable. I happen to be a Philadelphia native, and am no stanger to the notion of justice being served (so in the future the "you aren't from around here argument" isn't really necessary).
For further clarification, accident in this case is used to mean the lack of intent... from the accounts that I have read Ms. Goihman did not have the intent to kill anybody, much less an innocent young girl, with here automobile. The fact that this is a hit and run does affect the situation, as would the involvement of drugs or alchohal - but there is an ongoing investigation, and an upcoming grand jury which will fully explore those possibilities.
Fundamentally I agree with your cause, that the person or persons who killed Kayla should be brought to justice - but style in which the cause is being carried out needs some tweaking.
For instance I read about this site today, came here and visited, posted condolences to the family, and offered support for your cause on a fundamental basis - then within two hours was told that striking Kayla was not an accident, it was intentional - and I was attacked for making some constructive comments. This doesn't seem like prudent behavior when making attempts to form a coalition.
Reading over more of today's comments I noticed that there was a tremendous amount of bickering, and such. Maybe this cause would be served by by involving a nationally known group (such as MADD) to assume leadership duties. MADD has more experience in public relations, and they would most likely be able to better build a solid consensus for a coaltition to come behind.
Also, when putting something on this site make sure that the content is in line with the message... on other words disable comments. The comments concerning abortion, immigration, and polticizing this affair again, will not assist in coalition building.
Please take these comments constuctively, and in the future please rememeber that many people in the press and general public read these posts - and from a public relations standpoint it isn't usually the best idea to go at people like wild animals when their opinion is a little different. Oh, and that doesn't assist in building a coalition either.
Have a nice night, and good luck.
To The Color Blue,
Thank you. I agree. Please understand..I for one have never, ever been involved in anything like this. Let alone signed my name to it. Passion makes for miscommunication sometimes. I appreciate your views and guidance in all of this. A COALITION, for Kayla is what it should be, and will be, if I have anything to do with it. It's funny THE COLOR BLUE...I just now got a picture in my head of Kayla throwing her head back, with that huge smile, clapping and saying "Now you got it Mrs. Pers." Thank you The Color Blue
With respect,
Donna Persico
This site will be getting a lot more traffic since the article with the link today - and with more traffic anonymous posts could become a bit dangerous.
If you look at it, this site serves two immeditate purposes... to share news, and to have an interactive communcation (the comments). Comments are always impossible to control, but anonymous comments can be contrary to your point of view, or sideline conversations important to your cause.
By having to register to post comments, it would clean up the random people who surf in and want to get a rise out of people. Sure it would take a few minutes for a user to register, but if someone has something really important to say that usually isn't a problem.
Regards, and good luck.
As for a coalition, there already is one. Three kids, three deaths, three neighborhoods, one summer. The article is linked on your frontpage...
The neighborhoods are in close proximity, as are the ages. This is your coalition, this is what's news, people will get behind that streets that they themselves grew up on aren't safe anymore. The Governer himself lives in East Falls not far from where these tragic things happened.
Tragedies get news, notions and ideas get a following - the two combined get results. There is a tight geographic area, where people still know each other, and people still talk - and after this summer it is an area that wants to work towards the postive.
My prayer goes to Kayla and everyone in the family!
Hey Rob, the flip side is you fear putting your name to your opinion. I will put my name to my opinions concerning "Justice For Kayla".
I could have put an end to this early on. A perspective patron of AZAFRAN made a phone call the night it was posted to have AREPA translated. The translation he offered was "ass". He chose not to eat at Azafran that Friday.
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