This BLOG was established as a site to express feelings of the heart and mind surrounding the June 19, 2005 hit and run death of 15 year old Kayla Peter. The registered owner of the Lexus that killed Kayla is Susanna Goihman owner/chef of Azafran Restaurant located at 617 S. Third Street.
On Thursday 8/18 NBC10 announced that "An arrest warrant is being prepared for Susanna Goihman in the hit and run death of Kayla Peter." How long should it take to write, have a judge sign, present to the DA to exicute and serve? I can't get a straight answer from those who should know...Phase 3 of "Justice For Kayla" is in place. Just say the word...
Outside police headquarters, defense attorney Brian McMonagle told reporters: ““She would never knowingly or intentionally injure a child leaving her behind.”
Doe that mean she was IMPAIRED when she did it? Or is he still maintaining the old she wasn't driving story?????
On Thursday 8/18 NBC10 announced that "An arrest warrant is being prepared for Susanna Goihman in the hit and run death of Kayla Peter." How long should it take to write, have a judge sign, present to the DA to exicute and serve? I can't get a straight answer from those who should know...Phase 3 of "Justice For Kayla" is in place. Just say the word...
Donna, this may sound like a silly question but have you talked to Abraham's assistant?
Could this have been delayed because of the developments in the Figeuroa case?
Who have you tried to get answers from?
YUP I SAW IT TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
SHE TURNED HERSELF IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Outside police headquarters, defense attorney Brian McMonagle told reporters: ““She would never knowingly or intentionally injure a child leaving her behind.”
Doe that mean she was IMPAIRED when she did it? Or is he still maintaining the old she wasn't driving story?????
Here's the link to the story at the Philly News web site:
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